Archive for May, 2022

What is X-linked Recessive Inheritance?

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This describes X-linked recessive inheritance and how an X-linked recessive trait is passed along on in families.

What causes an infant to sweat on left side while breastfeeding? – Dr. Varsha Saxena

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It is common for a baby to sweat while it is breast feeding. This is because the baby skin come in contact with the mother’s skin and the skin to skin contact can produce the sweat in the baby. If you are feeding the baby on the left side there can be chances of sweating more on the left side of the baby. Usually it can be on either side of the baby’s body. Another thing is the baby requires a lot of effort and energy while sucking. This also produces heat and sweat in the baby. The baby’s head has got lot of active sweat glands and so the sweating may be on the head and head also has a larger surface area than the body and generates more heat. But we should watch for any danger signs in the feeding baby like there are any bluish signs in the lips or finger nails of the baby. The baby gets very tired during the feeding, the baby has any choking spells or the baby gets apnea or there is poor weigh gain of the baby, such situations a paediatrician should be consulted and take an opinion.