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Excess sweating is also called as hyperhydrosis. It can happen can any of these areas like the face, the body, the palms and the soles, anywhere it can happen. There’s no exact reason for this. It can be because of sympathetic nerve supply to the sweat glands, there will be some disruption in it. In that case there are no surgical procedures, no lotions, no tablets. There are anti-cholinergic tablets that are available. The doctor may start them on a small dose and may increase the dose and this may control. There is another form of hyperhidrosis following eating spicy food, sometimes in emotional stress, any stressful condition can develop this. So if you cure the underlying disease. Even some cancer patients do have, also in high fever you can have hyperhidrosis. These are all temporary, can’t be permanent.
Are you one of the 365 million people who suffer from excessive sweating?
Excessive sweating is an uncontrollable condition that can interfere with almost every aspect of life. Excessive underarm sweat is the most bothersome and common form of excessive sweating.
There is only one permanent, non-surgical treatment for excessive underarm sweat. The @miradry treatment is an FDA approved treatment that can dramatically reduce underarm sweat by addressing the root of the problem; excessive sweating and the odor that comes with it. This treatment is clinically proven to have an average of 82% sweat reduction and 89% odor reduction permanently!
The best part of Miradry is… once the sweat and odor glands are eliminated, they are gone for good!
Interested in MiraDry? Click the link below to book your appointment now!
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Music: Nihilore – Bush Week & Endless Blue
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Some people will do anything to avoid sweating. Even if they do a workout, they do it half-heartedly, never really breaking a sweat. But sweating is actually good for you, and not just because of the many benefits that exercise brings. It can even help to heal the body. Whether you’re taking a walk on a warm-day, exercising, or sitting in a sauna, it provides multiple healing-effects.
Here are 6-reasons why you really need to sweat, each and every day.
An increasing amount of research has emerged in recent years, lauding the detox abilities of sweat. It helps to clear out all sorts of toxins, from heaving metals to persistent organic-pollutants. Eliminating those is important for your good-health.
Sweating help us to heal. In fact, science is just beginning to uncover the important role sweat glands play when it comes to healing all sorts of wounds. Sweat-glands, which are distributed throughout the skin, have been found in studies to contain stem-cells which are crucial for healing-wounds.
As the body produces its own uplifting chemicals that are known as endorphins, it is possible to raise these “happy-hormone” levels in the brain through sweating induced by exercise. Exercising, or simply being active enough to break a sweat is well known to increase endorphins. These are considered natural painkillers as they activate opioid receptors in the brain that help minimize discomfort. The effects of endorphins are so powerful, that they can even be more effective at fighting depression than an antidepressant
4.A Clearer Complexion
whether you workout or sit in a sauna, Sweating helps to open up your pores and get rid of dirt, grime and other debris. If that’s left to accumulate, it encourages bacteria to build-up in your pores, ultimately resulting in a breakout. Sweat carries with it the grime of what’s built-up in your pores and what’s on your face, and if it settles back into your skin, there’s high chance you might breakout.
5.Reducing the Risk of Kidney-Stones
Sweating helps to support healthy kidney functioning as well by eliminating some of the salt and calcium in your bloodstream. In turn, that reduces the amount of salt and calcium in your urine which can lead to kidney-stones. At the same time, the loss of water that results from sweating, whether you’re sweating because of summer heat or working out, leads to less urine production. The more you sweat, the less you urinate, which can allow stone-causing minerals to settle and bond in the kidneys and urinary tract. So while it’s important to sweat to reduce your risk of kidney-stones, it’s also important to drink plenty of water to avoid the opposite effect.
6.Fight Off a Cold or the Flu
Sweating has long been recommended for speeding the recovery of a cold or the flu, and studies have confirmed this, including one 2013 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which found that a natural-antibiotic is naturally activated in salty, slightly acidic-sweat.
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I this weeks Q&A I cover a question I get all the time from clients – do you need to be sweating during exercise for it to be a good workout?
For more videos and information head to
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Night sweats may happen because the sleep environment is too warm. At this case night sweats are normal. But if, environmental temperature is optimal and person still sweats so much, that night clothes and bedding are soaking wet, it can indicate pathological condition.
Night sweats is a nonspecific symptom and can be associated with Variety of diseases include:
Infections, tuberculosis,
menopause symptoms (“hot flushes”),
medicines – some antidepressants, steroids and painkillers
low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia), including diabetes.
alcohol or drug use.
Sometimes we can not define underlying cause called hyperhidrosis that makes you sweat too much all the time.
Although many life-threatening causes such as malignancies or infections have been described, as underlying cause of night sweats, but most patients who report persistent night sweats in the primary care setting do not have a serious underlying disorder.
When the history and physical examination do not reveal a specific cause, physicians should proceed with a systematic and cost-conscious strategy, that uses readily available laboratory and imaging studies, such as a complete blood count, tuberculosis testing, thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, HIV testing, C-reactive protein level, and chest radiography.
The most common Conditions commonly associated with night sweats include menopause, mood disorders, gastroesophageal reflux disease, hyperthyroidism, and obesity.
Night sweats in women over 40 is the hormonal changes, related to menopause and perimenopause.
Perimenopause is a natural stage of life. It is not a disease or a disorder. Therefore, it does not automatically require any kind of medical treatment. but night sweats and hot flashes during this period can be managed hormone replacement therapy, or mindfulness and cognitive behavioral Therapy.
Anxiety. at this case, night sweats can be accompanied with Feeling nervous, restless or tense
Having a sense of impending danger, panic or doom, having an increased heart rate, Breathing rapidly (hyperventilation).
The presence of night sweats alone does not indicate an increased risk of death.
But when night sweats can also be related to serious illnesses like: cancers, Lymphoma,
Leukemia, Infections, HIV, AIDS, Tuberculosis, Diabetes mellitus (nocturnal hypoglycemia),
Endocrine tumors (pheochromocytoma, carcinoid) and other conditions. Autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis can also cause night sweats.
It is relatively rare condition, in which body produces excessive sweat for unknown reasons. Common places to sweat can include underarms, face, neck, back, groin, feet, and hands.
Sometimes medications can cause hyperhidrosis, it is called secondary hyperhidrosis.
Use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is a common cause of medication-induced secondary hyperhidrosis. Other medications associated with secondary hyperhidrosis include tricyclic antidepressants, stimulants, opioids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
Topical agents for hyperhidrosis therapy include formaldehyde lotion and topical anticholinergic medication.
Aluminium chlorohydrate is used in regular antiperspirants. However, hyperhidrosis requires solutions or gels with a much higher concentration.
Food and Drug Administration approved a glycopyrronium bromide-containing disposable cloth (brand name Qbrexza) for the treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis.
Hyperhidrosis affects around 3% of the population of the United States.
Learn how to stop sweating so much and stop sweating underarms or sweaty hands from excessive sweating!
Excessive sweating is common and can affect the whole body or just certain areas. Sometimes it gets better with age but there are things you can do and treatments that can help.
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The night sweats could be a sign of something serious.
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