Archive for the tag: Inheritance

X-linked Inheritance and Punnett Squares

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In this video, Dr Mike explains sex-linked inheritance and outlines how X-linked traits can be inherited.

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What is X-linked Recessive Inheritance?

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This describes X-linked recessive inheritance and how an X-linked recessive trait is passed along on in families.

Autosomal and X Linked Inheritance

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Autosomal and X Linked Inheritance

This lecture explains about the the autosomal and x linked inheritance. This video explains the properties of sex linked inheritance and the genetics pedigree.
Autosomal trait is the one where the gene responsible for the trait is carried by Autosomes or body cell chromosomes.
Sex linked trait or X linked trait is the one where the gene responsible for the trait is carried by X chromosomes. So most of the X linked trait is predominant ion male as males have only one X chromosome.

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Thank you for watching the video lecture on Autosomal and X Linked Inheritance.

A short animation from the National Centre for Medical Genetics which explains what x-lined recessive genetic conditions are and what they mean for an affected person’s offspring.
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